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Some works here are original, and others are style replications from projects or course work. Renderings include Prisma and Copic marker, colored pencil, acrylic paint, ink, and other media.
Some works here are original, and others are style replications from projects or course work. Renderings include Prisma and Copic marker, colored pencil, acrylic paint, ink, and other media.
Disney's FantasyLand
Style Replication: Disney's FantasyLand - Themed Entertainment Course Project - Prisma Marker, Colored Pencil, and Ink.
Beauty and the Beast: Grand Hall Entry
Beauty and the Beast - Course Project
Pencil Sketch.
Treebeard Ent Character
Lord of the Rings: Theme Park Character Design - Style ReplicationCourse Project
Prisma Marker, Colored Pencil, and Ink.
Dwarf Character
Lord of the Rings: Theme Park Character Design - Style ReplicationCourse Project
Prisma Marker, Colored Pencil, and Ink.
Goblin Character
Lord of the Rings: Theme Park Character Design - Style Replication Course Project
Acrylic Paint
'Guys and Dolls' Art Deco - Course Project
Prisma Marker, Colored Pencil, and Ink.
'Green Dragon'
Sculpture Rendering - Course Project
Prisma Marker, Colored Pencil, and Ink.
Original Sculpture by Ellen Jewett
Doubt: A Parable - Taylor University Theatre - Hand Rendering - Prism and Comic marker, ink and colored pencil
Hippolitus - Taylor University Theatre - Scenic rendering - Ink and colored pencil
Where the Wild Things Are - Style Replication - Prisma and Ink Rendering Class